Sunday, November 11, 2007

To all American veterans: Thank You

Thank you for doing what I did not. Thank you for serving your country, defending her honor, and ensuring her liberty. Without your sacrifice, I might not have the freedom to even write these words.

Thank you for taking the liberty which I love and sharing it with others throughout the world. Thank you for representing my country overseas. Thank you for feeding the hungry, for rebuilding infrastructure and nations, even though they have fought against us. Thank you for ensuring peace through your strength.

Thank you for ending tyranny and oppression in so many places, and for standing up for what is right even when it puts you at risk of life and limb.

But mostly, thank you for demonstrating that there is good in the world. Thank you for protecting this great nation of ours, even when it forgets to honor you. Words cannot express the debt of gratitude we owe you.

May you be given the chance to finish the job that you have started and to return home with honor, and to honor.

You guys are the best.

Originally posted at Perri Nelson's Website. Cross posted at NW Bloggers. Cross posted at Reject the U.N.

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